ISLAM Agama Radikal? Kekerasan? Para Mualaf Mantan Gangster Ini Justru Buktikan Lebih Damai Bersama Islam

Ingin ketahui islam agama kekerasan radikal apa tidak, tanya mereka ? ? ?

lebih keras mana kala mereka masih dalam kekafiran ataupun sehabis mereka jadi mualaf ? ? ?

amati mereka ? ? ?

lebih santun dan juga beradab mana kala mereka masih kafir dengan sehabis mereka beriman ? ? ?

jangan menerima dogma semata yang berkata islam itu keras.. .

lihatlah realita.. . .

para mualaf yang dahulu merupakan individu ganas dikala masih kafir, saat ini mereka jauh sudah berbeda dan juga menciptakan kedamaian dalam islam.

[before - after]

(1) vince focarelli (photo atas) : dahulu ia merupakan kepala gangster sydney australia, saat sebelum kesimpulannya temukan kedamaian dalam islam.

(2) american hip hop artist busta rhymes, born trevor tahiem smith, jr. , is a proud muslim and attributes much of his success to the way in which his faith has kept him grounded.
in a 2007 interview with hollywood televisi, rhymes said, " i try to really just understand every aspect about the most high. for me, the most high is allah.. . and i live my life by islam. at the end of the day, i think thats pretty much what grounds me in the way that i think most people should be grounded. thats just enjoying

World Health Organization you are as a human life, as opposed to trying to add all these other additive and preservatives to your perspective on life. " (link)

(3) kevin gates. rapper populer amerika.


(4) sang leher beton. michael gerard " mike " tyson also known as malik abdul aziz.

(sumber: http:// www. portalpiyungan. co/2017/01/islam-agama-radikal-kekerasan-para. html )

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